Plot Summary: "The Greatest Show on Earth" is a dazzling spectacle of life behind the scenes with Ringling Bros.-Barnum and Bailey Circus, the best three-ring circus in the land. Celebrates the extravagant three-ring circus and depicts the passionate scenes of love and jealousy behind the greatest show on Earth.
*Recognition: Nominated for Best Director (Cecil B. DeMille), Costume Design, and Film Editing; Won for Best Picture and Best Story.
What is this movie is about?: A spectacle advertisement for the Circus.
Best Performance: Betty Hutton
Best Minor Performance: Cornel Wilde/James Stewart
Most Charismatic Award: Cornel Wilde/James Stewart
Best Scene: The Train Crash
Favorite Scene: First Trapeze Show
Most Indelible Moment: The Train Crash
Best Line:
Angel: Listen, sugar, the only way that you can keep me warm is to wrap me up in a marriage license.
Honorable Mention:
Funniest Line:
Buttons: Clowns are funny people, they only love once.
Holly: All men aren't that way, even if they act like clowns.
The Stanley Rubric:
Legacy: 2.5
Impact/Significance: 5.5
Novelty: 5.5
Classic-ness: 4.5
Rewatchability: 2.5
Audience Score: 5.5
Total: 26
Remaining Questions: