Greatest Movie of All-Time Full Rankings List
Roman Holiday (1953) Revisit ft. Christine Duncan and Klarissa
Knives Out (2019) ft. Sarah Duncan and Liz Arnold
Ben-Hur (1959) ft. Peterson W. Hill and Kristin Battestella
Fight Club (1999) ft. Andrew Corns and Peterson W. Hill
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) ft. Sarah Duncan and Brian Skutle
Saw (2004) ft. Kieran B and Jaylan Salah Salman
The Incredibles (2004) ft. Robb Conlon and Walter Gainer II
Parasite (2019) ft. Peterson W. Hill
Gone Girl (2014) ft. Christine Duncan and Petersen W. Hill
Joker (2019) ft. Jaylan Salah Salman
Anatomy of a Murder (1959) ft. Christine Duncan and Myke Emal
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Revisit ft. Kieran B
Pulp Fiction (1994) Revisit ft. Adam Freed
All the President's Men (1976) ft. Betsy and Trent
The Maltese Falcon (1941) ft. Jen and Sarah
Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979) ft. Heather Stewart and Ryan Luis Rodriguez
Do the Right Thing (1989) Revisit w/ Andrew Corns and Sean Phillips
The Sixth Sense (1999) ft. Frank Mandosa
Rear Window (1954) ft. VP Morris