Plot Summary: On the last day of summer vacation in 1962, friends Curt (Richard Dreyfuss), Steve (Ronny Howard), Terry (Charles Martin Smith) and John (Paul Le Mat) cruise the streets of small-town California while a mysterious disc jockey (Wolfman Jack) spins classic rock'n'roll tunes. It's the last night before their grown-up lives begin, and Steve's high-school sweetheart, a hot-to-trot blonde, a bratty adolescent and a disappearing angel in a Thunderbird provide all the excitement they can handle.
*Recognition: Nominated for Best Picture, Director, Supporting Actress, Original Screenplay, and Film Editing; AFI #77, #62
What this movie is about?: Four teen boys discover themselves at the peak between adolescence and adulthood.
Best Performance: George Lucas/Richard Dreyfuss
Best Minor Performance: Richard Dreyfuss/Charles Martin Smith
Most Charismatic Award: Harrison Ford/Wolfman Jack
Best Scene: Curt at the Arcade/Meeting Wolfman Jack
Favorite Scene: Milner trying to pick up girls/Steve telling off the Vice Principal
Best Line:
Steve Bolander: I thought, maybe before I leave, we could agree that... that seeing other people while I'm away can't possibly hurt, you know. Laurie Henderson: You mean dating other people? Steve Bolander: I think it would strengthen our relationship. Then we'd know for sure that we're really in love. Not that there's any doubt.
Honorable Mention: "We're finally getting out of this turkey town, and now you wanna crawl back into your cell, right? You wanna end up like John? You just can't stay seventeen forever." - Steve Bolander
Funniest Line: "I just love listening to Wolfman. My Mom won't let me at home. Because he's a Negro. I think he's terrific." - Carol
Most Indelible Moment: The Squadcar Scene/Drag Race/Meeting Wolfman Jack
The Stanley Rubric:
Legacy: 9
Impact/Significance: 8.5
Novelty: 8.5
Classic-ness: 9
Rewatchability: 6.5
Audience Score: 8.4
Total: 49.9