Plot Summary: This spoof comedy takes shots at the slew of disaster movies that were released in the 70s. When the passengers and crew of a jet are incapacitated due to food poisoning, a rogue pilot with a drinking problem must cooperate with his ex-girlfriend turned stewardess to bring the plane to a safe landing.
*Recognition: 2000: AFI's 100 Years...100 Laughs – No. 10; 2005: AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes: Ted Striker: "Surely you can't be serious." Dr. Rumack: "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley." – No. 79
What is this movie is about?: Spoof of disaster films that upends the regular comedic paradigm.
Best Performance: Zucker, Zucker, and Abrahams/Leslie Nielsen
Best Minor Performance: Leslie Nielsen/Robert Stack
Most Charismatic Award: Leslie Nielsen
Best Scene: Can I see the cockpit?
Favorite Scene: Acoustic Sing-Along/Autopilot
Most Indelible Moment: I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.
Best Line:
Dr. Rumack: Can you fly this plane and land it?
Ted Striker: Surely you can't be serious. Dr. Rumack: I am serious...and don't call me Shirley.
Honorable Mention:
McCroskey: Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue/drinking/smoking/taking amphetamines.
Funniest Line:
Capt. Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before? Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before. Capt. Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked?
The Stanley Rubric:
Legacy: 8.63
Impact/Significance: 9
Novelty: 9.25
Classic-ness: 6.25
Rewatchability: 7.75
Audience Score: 8.9
Total: 49.78
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